

Not a finished and ready adventure game, but only an intro as a preview for a planned program that would have been the sequel to The Galleon (A gálya), yet finally been left aborted and abandoned later on. It was born in 1993-94. However, as being as an intro, it is rather spectacular and interesting; its only one serious defect is containing no music made for, so thus being like a silent film. A full screen sized animation might much rarely be seen on a C64. What is more drawn nicely, witty and rich in ideas (I had been working on it for several months to reach this as I was not really a graphician). What a pity finally it was not used for anything. (Presuming that you like it, or maybe any other kind of such a thing, I recommend you to rather inspect my other intro before the game called A pokol angyala 2., too!) By the idea of skeleton as coming forward from the screen, my intention was some sort of surrealistic, psychedelic and abstract delineation of the infinity. (This picture combined together with the title interestingly resembles those occurrences happening in horror movie called The Ring appearing nearly an entire decade later…) Nevertheless it’s funny, too. As a matter of fact, in a little subsequent and precognitive/sophistical way, even such kind of some undesigned Hunter S. Thompson caricature may be seen about this all (exactly the most typical delineation of him: the bald forehead, the sunglasses, the cigarette-holder… or rather a cigar in this case); the typewriter is replaced by the computer keyboard, as well as a few literary references here.

Just the animated insertion containing the opening of the book itself consists of nine pieces of – one by one worked out and previously drawn – phases of a whole-screen size (as can be followed all of them below); it was a peculiar programming stunt attaining this entire collection to fit into that possible 64kB of memory. (I sliced them into smaller pieces, then stored these graphical details one by one compressed.) Particularly since the scheduled changing of the frames that occupied the full surface on the monitor required a doubled video memory usage – first building up the next frame on the invisible area, then switching over from each to the other always at a right moment exactly synchronized to the running back of the raster ray to avoid the flashing of the screen –, that’s why there were even less RAM memory left free to use for any data storage. As a matter of curiosity: for the candle-flame I had already got not enough free colours in the painting application, therefore that was only subsequently applied to the picture out of some sprites… As can be seen here:

The next eight steps of the previously mentioned animated episode (the first one was the above):


Robert Olessak (2011)

  My Games (1987-2001) /4.
Chapter 4: The Swan-Songs of the C64 Era

  My Games (1987-2001)
My personal confessions about the development of my games


Game(s More)Over…

A picture collection of my games and some others /2. (200 pictures)


Game(s) Over…

A picture collection of my games and some others /1. (200 pictures)

Download the game (0.3 MB)

  CoV Különszám (1995/nyár)
A Horsekiller preview in an old Hungarian gaming magazine (CoV)

  Horsekiller (IFDB)
The IFDB page (Interactive Fiction Database)

C64 Games