Synthesis Journal


  Synthesis Journal 6.
Journal of literature and philosophy (3 articles)

  Synthesis Journal 5.
Journal of literature and philosophy (3 articles)

  Synthesis Journal 4.
Journal of literature and philosophy (5 articles)

  Synthesis Journal 3.
Journal of literature and philosophy (2 articles)

  Synthesis Journal 2.
Journal of literature and philosophy (4 articles)

  Synthesis Journal 1.
Journal of literature and philosophy (2 articles)

The Synthesis Journal is the basically inner – but also released in outer circles and public – periodic journal about literature and philosophy of the Synthesis Society (or Synthesis Free University, in Budapest, Hungary). It has got six numbers up to now, from between 2000 and 2005. However, our publication has not ceased yet (the mentioned pieces are still available, too), only the creative activity is paused at the moment; but we have the intention to continue some day. The actual members of the editorial staff are: Tamas Paulinyi (general editor); Zsuzsanna Domokos, Virag Fazekas, Zsuzsanna Fekete, Aniko Felde, Maria Ma-Sary, Andras Petrilla, Robert Olessak; and Katalin Benke Furjes (secretary). (Former members were, too: Ferenc Csik, Zsoka Szucs and Tilda Takacs. Also participants were: Barna Fater, Katalin Csillag.)

  Synthesis Journal brochure (2005)
Synthesis Journal 1-6. brochure (1.5 MB)


Synthesis Journal (2000-2005)

Synthesis Journal 1-6. (24 pictures)
