Far, Far Beyond the OSean


or: Why is it so good to work on dead platforms?


As a matter of fact: why is it so good indeed? For example, just because I always love dead things. Besides, for those are not „so” dead in real. (He who looks around a little bit, may see that a surprisingly extensive and serious activity features the C64 scene exactly; throughout the latest one or two years – and particularly just this year – this activity has furthermore increased to some whole startling proportions. Serving nice and worthy borders to the thirtieth birthday of this micro computer this way.) It is no accident that so many of us still like this piece of hardware so much, even if already been finished and ready for such years (oh… decades); on which just anything can be written today without the risk of (further) growing obsolete; and which up to the present day holds and hides some unexploited possibilities. The main prettiness of programming on it is the 100% perfect, trustworthy manageability and usability of the unchangeable, fix hardware environment. And, of course, those several tight and reduced bounds and limits, the exceeding of which remains such a professionally sweet delight and challenge further on… That is why I decided to be going to develop not only a single game program alone, but rather some considerably much more: an entire operating system. (Or, to be more exact, not a general purposed OS literally, but a definitive IF scripting language running environment instead.)

This is what the second part of the name Rosetta refers to (Ados – that is for the „Adventure Operating System” here). By stepping over (and thus turning off) the built-in, factory operating system, a very own code will be running, as far as handling all important periferials and devices; which is therefore able to be operated even on an „empty” stock machine (containing no ROMs at all), e. g. being started from a cartridge; as also being able to bring forth the maximum of everything. (Here and now I won’t explain this question further on; he who is curious to know some more, please read the previous sketchy description of my Rosetta system already published here before – and linked below; of which it is just a note and update now.) Today at this nice symbolic date (the triple twelves, then spanning over to the day of Lucia at 13th) I have „officially” confirmed the beginning of the development by opening a Facebook page. This (and beside my accessibility if anyone needed) can be seen below in the next row (although being empty provisionally; but this will be changing soon). Please simply click on them:


Update: also added above is the link of Rosetta blog which will be used for following the development (however, only in Hungarian, sorry! – maybe later there will be a translation).

In fact, of course, it rather takes a long time until my work (as shallowly flowing in my mere sparetime) will yield any concretely tangible (and demonstratable) results. For the moment, there are only sketches and plans, and a list of my (possible) chosen developing tools:

FASM (Flat Assembler): a modern, comprehensive x86 Assembler (which knows the entire x86-64 command set, and of multiplatform nature), and capable of simply, quickly working with. The nicest proof of its capabilities is that a complete operating system was already made by that: e. g. the excellent (and presently the most advanced) alternative PC operating system MenuetOS (both its 32-bit and 64-bit variants).

ConGo: a rare (and in our case a very useful) graphical application of special functionality for transforming any PC gfx to C64 (Koala or Art Studio) pictures (and vice versa), and also for editing. It is easy to make a C64 „digitalized picture” even from a multi-coloured and high-resolution photograph, comfortably and in good quality. (Unfortunately, it is an abandoned and old Win98 beta version, however, it can be used nowadays, too, of course.)

6510 Assembler: there are very many of such things, for example that one written by the Dutch chess-programmer Aart Bik is a pleasant one (albeit having a few limits, too).

HxD (Hex and Disk) Editor: for inspecting the translated object codes and other files directly (and for editing them as needed occasionally).

DOSBox and VICE: the best emulators for the DOS and the Commodore code running environments nowadays.


And so will I continue it later on…


Robert Olessak (2012)

The little Rosetta

  C64 Games (archive)
Games for C64 (1987-1996)

The Castle of IF